Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle
Sale price $41.86
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by CJ

Free Delivery by 23 Mar

Saplı silikon patlamış mısır kasesi

7084 in stock
Renk: Kırmızı
Silicone popcorn bowl with handle

Saplı silikon patlamış mısır kasesi


Saplı silikon patlamış mısır kasesi

Ürün özellikleri: 26* çap 20*14.5cm, katlandıktan sonra 26*20*6cm (manuel ölçümle hafifçe önyargılı)

Yuvarlak, saplı

Ürün rengi: kırmızı (renk turuncu kırmızı, fotoğraf renk sapması)

Ürün kalitesi: toksik olmayan ve çevre dostu, -40 ° C ila +230 ° C sıcaklığa dayanıklı

Kapsam: fırın, mikrodalga