Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy
Sale price $37.75
Earn 113 minis

by CJ

Free Delivery by 24 Mar

Çok işlevli ayarlanabilir ayak pedalı göğüs çekme ipi 2 hisse UPS göğüs fitness bacakları

6239 in stock
Renk: Mavi
Multifunctional adjustable foot pedal chest pull rope 2 shares of UPS chest fitness legs - Minihomy

Çok işlevli ayarlanabilir ayak pedalı göğüs çekme ipi 2 hisse UPS göğüs fitness bacakları


Ürün bilgisi:

Ürün Adı: Sit-up Rally

Ürün malzemesi: TPE+çevre koruma köpüğü

Ürün rengi: beş renk isteğe bağlı

Ürün boyutu: 40cm*26cm

Esneme uzunluğu: yaklaşık 120cm

Uygulama kapsamı: fitness destekli egzersiz

Ürün özellikleri: Hafif ve taşınması kolay, dayanıklı


1. Kalın kauçuk tüp

Daha güçlü çekme kuvveti, daha iyi yağ yakma etkisi

2. Yumuşak köpük sap

Yüksek yoğunluklu yumuşak köpük, rahat ve elleri incitmez

3. NBR malzeme, çok yönlü pedallar

Kaymayan kauçuk pedallar, kullanımı güvenli ve emniyetlidir

Paket listesi:

1*Pedal Rallisi